Pencil Runtime

Pencil Runtime

Standalone Stencil runtime. Stencil - Compiler + Extras = Pencil. Alternative explanation: SkateJS with Stencil decorator syntax.

Standalone Stencil runtime.

Stencil - Compiler + Extras = Pencil

Alternative explanation: SkateJS with Stencil decorator syntax.


  • Not dependent on TypeScript (only decorators are required)
  • Build a single bundle using webpack/rollup
  • No duplicate code (dependencies!)
  • No polyfills


// File: my-first-component.jsx

// Additional import of `h` is required to make `render` work.
import { h, Component, Prop } from 'pencil-runtime';

  tag: 'my-first-component',
  shadow: true,
export class MyComponent {
  // Extra `type` parameter is necessary 
  // b/c it cannot be inferred at runtime.
  @Prop({ type: String, mutable: true, reflectToAttr: true }) name;

  render() {
    return (
        Hello, {}!


// File: main.js
import `./my-first-component.jsx`;

// my-first-component is now defined:

const mfc = document.createElement('my-first-component'); = "World";

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