Ducky Hunting
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Ducky Hunting was supposed to be a VR clone of 2000s viral shareware game ‘Die Virtuelle Moorhuhn Jagd’. Due to development difficulties it never got finished.
Ducky Hunting was supposed to be a VR clone of the viral shareware game ‘Die Virtuelle Moorhuhn Jagd’, which was popular in Germany in the early 2000s and later known as Crazy Chicken internationally.
Using cutouts to replicate the 2D sprite look of the original.
Realizing that early VR hardware (Google Cardboard, GearVR) would work pretty well for Point&Click games when turning them into “Look&Click”, we’ve set out to build a VR version of the game.
The menu of the game with floating 3D logo.
The combination of simplicity, nostalgia, and travel (the idea was to create different locations around the world, starting with the Alps) would have made for a potentially addictive mix, but development difficulties prevented it from getting finished.